How to Prevent Package Theft this Holiday Season

December 05, 2016

With Thanksgiving now past and Christmas on the horizon, we are starting to work on our holiday shopping lists.  Many of us know about identity theft concerns with online shopping, but have you considered property theft concerns that come with online ordering as well?

The threat is real, with “porch pirates” stealing delivered packages right off of homeowners’ doorsteps.  What can you do to prevent this from happening to your packages?


  • Require a signature upon delivery.
  • Ask a friend or neighbor to grab the package when it’s delivered.
  • Give delivery instructions on where to place the package.  For example, you could request the packages be left at a back or side door.
  • Schedule delivery times to fit your schedule.
  • Have your delivery held for pickup if you have a local carrier location.
  • Put deliveries on hold if you are going on vacation.
  • If possible, insure your package.
  • Install a security camera.

Let’s say your package is stolen after you take all of these precautions.  Is there anything you can do now?

If you’re ordering online this holiday season, be sure to take steps towards avoiding package thieves.

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